Streda nad Bodrogom - Slowakische Burgen

Kaštieľ Streda nad Bodrogom


Gabriel     08.01.2014  21:17:14
Kastiel stale sluzi ako obecny urad, okolo su zachovale zvysky hradu. V kastiely je pamatna izba. Okrem tohto kastiela je v obci este 1 kastiel a 2 kurie, je to ina ikonka na stranke.
Francisco Prochaska        30.04.2010  22:52:36
This castle belongs to my mother´s family. It is about the Vecsey family, who lived there until world war II broke in. Would be great to have more pictures and some about it´s history.
jan soljar        25.11.2007  23:58:36
Pekne snimky.Kedysi som do tychto budov chodil do skoly...
zuzanka     05.11.2006  15:38:21
Ahooooj supa stranka...

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